Saturday, January 06, 2007

Two Roasts with a Modified Gene Cafe Profile

Something a little different in the profile this time:
Stage 1: 300º F for 5 mins of warming / drying
Stage 2: 435º F for 4 mins (shortened from 5 mins 30 secs)
Stage 3: 460º F for 2 mins
Stage 4: 482º F for 2 mins 15 secs - 2 mins 30 secs (added)
Stage 5: 460º F for remainder of roast including 1st crack

I have included links to my roasting and brewing note for the two coffees that were roasting with this profile below:

Columbia Cauca Organic - La Esperanza
Ethiopia Late Harvest Yirgacheffe


Steve Scigliano said...

Eddie, I have a question about your profile: when you say 435 for 4 minutes do you mean you hold it at 435 once the GC reaches that temperature or you set the GC at the temperature for 4 minutes? The reason I ask is that my GC will not go from 300 to 435 in 4 minutes, rather it takes about 5 with 220 grams of beans.

Eddie said...

I mean to from the time you set it at 435 until the next time you change the temperature should be 4 minutes. For a myriad of reasons, different Gene Cafes with ramp differently. The point is that I don't want the temperature going any higher than that until I increase it.


George said...

Just a quick thanks. I have learned a lot from your blogs and it has really shortened my learning curve.

Eddie said...

Thank you, George! I really appreciate that!

Theodore said...

Hi Eddie.
I am a beginner in home roasting and I bought my Gene Cafe partly from your positive comments, so can you help me giving some links to read something about?
I have bought the machine together with some green coffee beans and I try to roast them but after I learn something more.
Athens Greece.

Eddie said...


Sorry it took so long to get back to you!

I would love to help you. Check out this link if you have not already done so:

Please feel free to email me directly. I could forward to you some of my notes from roasting.


Eddie said...


Here is another link that might be helpful ...

and do check out Kevin's Gene Cafe Roasting blog too:
