Monday, December 31, 2007

Merry Christmas = Great Coffee? (Part Three)

Wyatt and I are enjoying some Brazil Organic Camocim – Pure Bourbon that we just brewed in the Chemex. Camille had made some of the El Salvador – Orange Bourbon Cultivar this moring, but then said that WE need to go shopping at the mall and then take Wyatt to Chuck-E-Cheese (that is what Wyatt (almost 5 years old) opted to do with his Christmas money). I am not fond of mall crawlin' so I needed a brew with more KICK to get me going; I am with Wyatt on this one ... let's go to Chuck-E-Cheese!

I ground a few "ticks" courser than the last time and I stare at the cup in amazement. I had no idea that paper-filtered coffee could taste so good. When I use paper filters (Filtropa, Melitta Flavor-pore) in the Technivorm, it seems to "strip" a lot from the brew, but not so with the Chemex. The flavors from this cup of Brazil are dazzling, but suffice it to say that in the foreground there is an abundance of chocolate that seems to be sweetened with a graham cracker.

Gotta get another cup ... we're goin' in!

Happy New Year to you!


Scott said...

Hi Eddie, just wanted to let you know that I read your bio in Imbibe magazine about a month ago. I was inspired to start my own home roasting endeavour fueled by Sweet Maria's. You can read about my roasting experience at:

Thanks for the inspiration. Hope you don't mind the plug.


Eddie said...


Thanks for the post ... plugs welcome!
